All Bank Balance Enquiry Number – Check Customer Care

Bank Balance Enquiry Number : In today’s time, all the work is being done in a digital way, due to which digitization is happening fast in the bank, now you can do all your banking work sitting at home. In earlier times, everyone had to go to the bank to know the bank balance, but gradually the technology changed and now you will not need to be asked for it. Today we are going to tell you about some such methods by which you can check Bank Balance very easily.

Nowadays everyone is very busy due to his work, due to which there is no time for work related to the bank. But today we have brought some such information for you, with the help of which you can inquire the balance of your bank sitting at home, that is, you can inquire about the Bank Balance Enquiry and not only that, you can also inquire about the balance in your account. Apart from getting information about the new schemes of banks through care number 2022, you can also take advantage of them.

All Bank Balance Enquiry Number India | Banks Helpline and tollfree number list | Bank Toll Free Number | sbi helpline number | PNB tollfree number list | HDFC Bank Helpline Number

Bank Customer Care Helpline Numbers

In banking, customer service is an important means of ensuring that the customer is satisfied with the services offered. Banks have customer service teams whose job is to solve the problems of the customers.

One of the responsibilities of the customer support team is to interact with the customers through telephone, email, fax, and mail to understand their issues and provide the right solutions. In many banks, the problem of the customer is solved by sitting face to face.

Bank Balance Enquiry Number India

Whenever you contact the bank for the solution of your problem, before resolving, some questions are asked from you by the bank so that you can be investigated. If the answers given by you are correct then you can get the solution of your problems. Nowadays many banks also have virtual assistants.

If you still face problem then you can contact bank customer care through customer care telephone number or email id. While approaching the bank, make sure that you are protected from fraud. Because nowadays many people are doing fraudulent work in a fake way. That is why in this article we are going to provide you the list of all bank customer care numbers.

Missed Call Balance Check Number [Major Indian Banks]

Bank NameBalance Enquiry Number
Axis Bank18004195959
Odisha Gramya Bank8448290045
Allahabad Bank09224150150
AU Small Finance Bank18001202586
Bharatiya Mahila Bank (BMB)09212438888
IndusInd Bank18002741000
IDBI Bank18008431122
Lakshmi Vilas Bank8882441155
Syndicate Bank09664552255
Bank of Maharashtra18002334526
ICICI Bank02230256767
Deutsche Bank18602666601
Bank of India (BoI)09015135135
Tamilnad Mercantile Bank09211937373
Central Bank of India09222250000
Catholic Syrian Bank09895923000
Indian Bank09289592895
RBL Bank18004190610
Union Bank of India09223008586
Dena Bank09289356677
Vijaya Bank18002665555
Banks merged with SBI (SBBJ, SBH, SBT, SBP, and SBM)09223766666
Karur Vysya Bank (KVB)09266292666
Corporation Bank09289792897
Indian Overseas Bank04442220004
Saraswat Bank9223040000
South Indian Bank09223008488
Punjab Sind Bank1800221908
Federal Bank8431900900
United Bank of India09015431345
Yes Bank09223920000
Bandhan Bank18002588181
UCO Bank09278792787
DCB Bank7506660011
State Bank of India (SBI)09223766666
Kerala Gramin Bank9015800400
Karnataka Bank18004251445
Canara Bank09015483483
IDFC First Bank18002700720
HDFC Bank18002703333
Oriental Bank of Commerce08067205757
Punjab National Bank (PNB)18001802222
The City Union Bank9278177444
Kotak Mahindra Bank18002740110
Indian Post Payments Bank (IPPB)8424026886
Dhanlaxmi Bank08067747700
Ujjivan Small Finance Bank9243012121
Bank of Baroda (BoB)09223011311
Baroda Gujarat Gramin Bank7829977711
Andhra Bank09223011300
Karnataka Gramin Bank9015800700

SBI State Bank Of India Balance Enquiry

SBI Customer care Number1800 11 2211 1800 425 3800 080-26599990
Missed call ServiceNumber
SBI Bank Balance no.09223766666
SMS facilityText
SMS balance enquiryBAL to 09223766666
SBI SMS mini statementMSTMT to 09223866666
Cheque book requestCHQREQ to 09223588888
E-statement-last 6 months    ESTMT Space <Account number> Space<code> to 09223588888
Not happy with serviceSMS “UNHAPPY” to 8008202020
Official website

Karnataka bank balance enquiry number

Customer care Number1800-425-1444 080-22-21507 080-22-21508 080-22-21509
Missed call BankingNumber
For Balance enquiry1800-425-1445
For mini statement1800-425-1446
SMS BankingText (send it to 9880654321)
Balance EnquiryBAL <space> <Account number/Account Nick name>
Mini statementTRN <space> <Account number/Account Nick name>
Cheque Status EnquiryCPS <space> <Account number/Account Nick name> <space> <cheque number>
Cheque Book requestCBR <space> <Account number/Account Nick name>
Stop payment of chequeSTP <space> <Account number/Account Nick name> <space> <cheque number>
FD Account EnquiryFDE <space> <Account number/Account Nick name>
Loan Account EnquiryLON <space> <Account number/Account Nick name>
Fund Transfer own accountFTO <space> <Account number/Account Nick name>
Funds transfer within BankFTO <space> <Account number/Account Nick name>
Branch SearchBRN <space> <pin code>
ATM SearchATM <space> <pin code>
IFSC SearchRTG <space> <pin code>
Official website

IndusInd bank balance enquiry

बैलेंस पूछताछ18602677777
ग्राहक सेवा18602677777

ICICI Bank bank balance enquiry number

Customer care Number1860-120-7777
Missed call enquiryNumber
For account balance9594612612
Last three transaction9594613613
SMS EnquiryText and number
Account balance  IBAL (space) last 6 digits of account number send it to 9215676766
Stop Cheque PaymentISCR (space) cheque number (Space) last 6 digit account and send to 9215676766
Official website

IDBI Bank Limited

Customer care Number1800-209-4324 1800-22-1070 1800-22-6999 (for debit card blocking)
SMS bankingText and number
For account balanceBAL<space> Customer ID
Last three transactionsTXN <space>Customer ID
Cheque statusCPS<space><customer ID><space><cheque number>
Request for cheque bookCPS <space><customer ID><space><P/M> Note: P: person and M: mail
To block debit cardBLOCK <customer ID><card number> to 5676777 OR BLOCK <customer ID> to 5676777
Missed call bankingNumber
For account balance1800-843-1122
For mini statement1800-843-1133
Official website

Corporation bank balance enquiry

Customer Care1800 425 3555
Mini Statement09289792897
Balance inquiry1800 425 3555

United Bank of India bank balance enquiry number

ऑनलाइन बैलेंस पूछताछ09015431345
मिनी स्टेटमेंट
ग्राहक सेवा  18003450345

Bank of Baroda Balance inquiry number

Customer care Number18002584455 18001024455 18001027788
Missed call serviceNumber
Balance enquiry8468001111
Mini statement8468001122
Official website

Canara Bank Balance Enquiry Number

Customer care Number1800-425-0018
Missed call facility Number
Account balance09015483483
Last five transactions (English)09015734734
Last five transaction (Hindi)09015637637
Official website

Central Bank of India

Customer care Number1800-22-1911
Missed call facilityNumber
Balance enquiry9555244442
Mini Statement9555144441
Official website

Indian Overseas Bank

Customer care Number18004254445
SMS facilityText send to 8424022122
Account balanceBAL (space) last four-digit account number
Mini statementMINI Space last four-digit account number
Official website

Punjab National Bank

Customer care Number1800-180-2222 1800-103-2222
Missed call facilityNumber
For account balance1800-180-2223
Account balance Global User+91 120 2303090
For Credit FacilityToll-free: 1800 180 2345
Global User: +91 120 4616200
Official website

Bandhan Bank Limited

Customer care Number1800-258-8181 033-4409-9090
Missed call facilityNumber
Balance enquiry9223008666
Mini statement enquiry9223008777
SMS BankingText send to 9223011000
Balance enquiryBAL <Account number>
Mini statement enquiryMINI <Account number>
Cheque stop  CHQSTOP space<Account number>space <Cheque number>
Cheque StatusCHQSTATUS space<Account number> space <Cheque number>
Official website

City Union Bank Limited

Customer care Number044-71225000
Missed call bankingNumber
For account balance9278177444
Official website

Dhanlaxmi Bank Limited

Customer care Number+91-0487-6613-000
Missed call facilityNumber
Account balance80-67747711
E-statement last three months80-67747733
one day statement Disable/enable debit card88-93553553
Official website

IDFC First Bank Limited

Customer care Number1800-419-4332
Missed callNumber
Account balance1800-2700-720
SMS BankingText (send to 5676732 or 9289289960)
For Account balanceBAL (Space) last 4 digits of the account number
Official website

Oriental Bank Of India

Customer care Number1800-102-1235 1800-180-1235 0120-2580001
1800 103 2222/ 1800 180 2222
Missed call facilityNumber
For Account balance08067205757
Mini statement08067205767
SMS FacilityText send to 9915622622
For account balanceACBAL <account number>
For statement  STM <Account number>
Official website

Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited

Customer care Number1800-209-0000 (24×7) 1860-266-0811
SMS bankingText (send it to 9971056767 or 5676788)
For account balanceBAL
Last three transactionsTXN <space> last 4 digit of account number
Last 3 month statement on emailSTMT <space> last 4 digit of account number
Cheque statusCHQSTATUS <space> last 4 digit of account number <space> 6 digit of cheque number
New cheque book requestCHQBOOK <space> last 4 digit of account number
Nearest ATMATM <space> 6 digit pin code
Nearest BranchBRANCH <space> 6 digit pin code
For a list of other SMS baking keywordsHELP
Know your customer relation number (CRN)CRN
Official website

YES Bank Limited

Customer care Number1800-1200 (toll-free) +91-9552220020
SMS bankingText and number
For registrationYESREG (from your registered mobile number) send it to 9840909000
For account balanceYESBAL <customer ID> send it to 9840909000
Block credit cardBLKCC <space><last 4 digit> send it to 9840909000
Missed call banking For account balanceNumber 09223921111
Official website

Now you do not need to go to ATM to know your bank balance. You can find out the bank balance with the help of just missed call sitting at home. In this article, we have shared with you all the bank’s inquiry number list for you. If you have any dought related to this post, then definitely write in the comment.

Note – If you are finding any number wrong in this list or you are not able to contact with the number given in the list or apart from this, if your bank number is not present in the list, then you can tell us by writing in the comment below. We will try to solve the problem as soon as possible. Read More – Sarkari Yojana

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