Ration Card Complaint Helpline Numbers State wise List 2024

Ration Card Complaint Helpline Numbers: There are many people who are not getting ration, in most of the villages the ration ends before time or the shopkeeper sells the government ration. To solve this problem, you can compain the government by callin2g. For which every state government has issued a helpline number. If you are looking for Ration Card Complaint Helpline Number. Then you can grab all the 36 states in the same way as union territories are now provided on nfsa.gov.in.

Anyone can register their complaint by getting these toll-free, landline numbers and e-mail IDs of the respective states from here. Along with this, citizens can also inquire about the district officials in charge of fair price shops. There is corruption in the distribution of food grains through PDS (PDS means Public Distribution System) in the country. You can complain about it here.

State Wise Ration Card Complaint Number

There are different toll-free numbers for the Ration Card helpline number in each state of the nation. Here, we are providing a State-wise Ration Card Complaint Number here:

State NameToll-FreeLandline Number / Email IDNFSA Link
Andaman&Nicobar Islands1967, 1800-343-319703192233345, dircs@and.nic.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/AN
Andhra Pradesh1967, 1800-425-2977040-23494808 / 822, pds-ap@nic.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/AP
Arunachal Pradesh196703602244290, dfpsarun@gmail.comhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/AR
Assam1967, 1800-345-36119435064841, directorfcsca-as@assam@gov.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/AS
Bihar1800-3456-19406122223051, secy-fsc-bih@nic.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/BR
Chandigarh1967, 1800-180-206801722703956, fcs-chd@nic.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/CH
Chhattisgarh1967, 1800-233-36630771-2511974, dirfood.cg@gov.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/CG
Dadra & Nagar Haveli1967, 1800-233-40040260-2640663, supplyoffice.sil@gmail.comhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/DN
Daman & Diu1967dycollg-dmn-dd@nic.in, 02602230607https://nfsa.gov.in/State/DD
Delhi1967, 1800-110-841011-23378759, cfood@nic.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/DL
Goa1967, 1800-233-002208322226084, dir-csca.goa@nic.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/GA
Gujarat1967, 1800-233-550007923251163, 07923251165, 07923251170, secfcs@guj.gov.in, dire-cs-fcs@gujarat.gov.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/GJ
Haryana1967, 1800-180-208701722701366, foods@hry.nic.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/HR
Himachal Pradesh1967, 1800-180-802601772623749, 01772623746, dfs-hp@nic.in, hpepds@gmail.comhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/HP
Jammu & Kashmir1967, 1800-180-7011 (Kashmir), 1800-180-7106 (Jammu)01942506084, 01912566188, 01912472375, jk.fcsca@jk.gov.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/JK
Jharkhand1967, 1800-345-6598, 1800-212-55120651-712-2723, 0896-958-3111, pgmsgov.jhar@gmail.comhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/JH
Karnataka1967, 1800-425-9339080-22259024, 080 – 22034562, prs-fcs@karnataka.gov.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/KA
Kerala1967, 1800-425-155004712320578, essentialscommodity@gmail.comhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/KL
Lakshadweep1800-425-318604896263703, +91-4896-262012, dfcs_lk@nic.in, dirfcs_lk@nic.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/LD
Madhya Pradesh1967, 18107552441675, mpportal@mp.gov.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/MP
Maharashtra1967, 1800-22-4950022-22025308, 022-22024592, 022-22042314, 22025277, helpline.mhpds@gov.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/MH
Manipur1967, 1800-345-38210385-2450137, 0385-2451144, 0385-2450064, 8413975150, ranjan.yumnam@gov.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/MN
Meghalaya1967, 1800-345-36700364-2224108, fcsca-meg@nic.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/MG
Mizoram1967, 1860-222-222-789, 1800-345-389103892322872, fcscamizoram@gmail.comhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/MZ
Nagaland1800-345-3704, 1800-345-370503702233347, stateportal-ngl@negp.gov.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/NL
Odisha1967, 1800-345-6724, 1800-345-676006742536892, fcswsc@nic.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/OR
Puducherry1800-425-1082 (Puducherry), 1800-425-1083 (Karaikal), 1800-425-1084 (Mahe), 1800-425-1085 (Yanam)04132253345, civil.pon@nic.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/PY
Punjab1967, 1800-3006-131301722742803, secy.fs@punjab.gov.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/PB
Rajasthan1800-180-612701412227352, afcfood-rj@nic.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/RJ
Sikkim1967, 1800-345-323603592202708, secy-food@sikkim.gov.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/SK
Tamil Nadu1967, 1800-425-590104325665566, 04428592828, webadmin.tn@nic.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/TN
Telangana1967, 1800-4250-033304023310462, dir_cs@ap.gov.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/TL
Tripura1967, 1800-345-366503812326308, dir.fcs-tr@nic.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/TR
Uttar Pradesh1967, 1800-180-015005512239296, up.fncs@gmail.comhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/UP
Uttarakhand1800-180-2000, 1800-180-418801352780765, comm-fcs-uk@nic.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/UK
West Bengal1967, 1800-345-550503322535293, ica-dept@wb.gov.inhttps://nfsa.gov.in/State/WB

What is Ration Card?

Ration card is a kind of tax card which is given to every citizen of India by the state government looking at their caste and class, through which you can buy subsidized food grains from PDS or Public Distribution System at a very low rate. The system is managed by the National Food Security Act (NFSA).

Even today there are many poor people in India who are unable to feed themselves and their families properly. Keeping this in mind, this Free Ration was started. Which you can take advantage of with the help of ration card.

Types Of Ration Card

There are two types of ration cards like PHH and AAY through which you can get ration.

PHH stands for Priority Household. Whereas second, AAY stands for Antyodaya Anna Yojana.

Domestic (PHH) ration cards should be given to those people who fulfill the criteria set by the respective state government. Under which each member of each family is given 5 kg of food grains per month. Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) has been introduced since the outbreak of the corona pandemic, under which ration cards are provided to the “poorest of the poor” families or trades. Under the Antyodaya Anna Yojana, every family is entitled to 35 kg of food grains per month.

FAQ – Ration Card Complaint Helpline Numbers

How can I check my ration card details in Assam?

You can visit State Food Directorate Website https://directorfcs.assam.gov.in to check ration card details.

Which Colour ration card is best?

Yellow cards are issued to families living below the poverty line (BPL)

Along with this, the ration card can also be used as an identity for Indians. To get complaints and information related to ration card, you can read this article as follows.

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