UPSC IAS Syllabus PDF – IAS Prelims and Mains Syllabus

UPSC IAS Syllabus In Hindi: UPSC is called the toughest exam in India. IAS exam is one of the toughest and prestigious exam in India. This exam is conducted for recruitment to the post of Indian Administrative Service Officer. Every year 10 to 15 lakh candidates apply in it. If you want to get a good rank in the UPSC Civil Services Examination, then you must first understand the UPSC Syllabus very well. In today’s article, we are going to tell you the details about UPSC IAS Syllabus.

UPSC IAS Syllabus In Hindi PDF Downlaod

Every year there are many students who are not able to clear this exam. Everyone’s dream is to become an IAS or IPS and for this they also join coaching institutes, but due to lack of proper information about the syllabus, they have to face problems. If you also want to go to administrative service, then the candidate should read the UPSC Syllabus thoroughly.

Given below is the complete syllabus of the Indian Administrative Services Recruitment Examination conducted by the UPSC IAS Public Service Commission in a systematic manner. Every year it is updated by the government on the website, about which it is very important to stay updated. In this article, all the information about UPSC IAS Syllabus is also given below.

UPSC Syllabus

The Civil Services Examination (CSE) is conducted every year by the UPSC (Union Public Service Commission). The syllabus of UPSC exam is designed based on the knowledge, understanding and analytical ability of the candidates in various subjects. Candidates preparing for UPSC exam must be well aware of UPSC Syllabus before starting their preparation.

To prepare for any exam, it is necessary to make a well-planned outline. Although lakhs of people prepare for UPSC every year, but only about 10% of the students prepare seriously (well-planned). In this, selected students are appointed on posts like IAS, IPS, IFS. If you really want to succeed in the exam, then first of all you have to prepare your outline.

Stages of examination

UPSC syllabus is complex, so it is difficult to complete it easily. However, this is the reason why UPSC is such an important exam. This exam is conducted in 3 stages preliminary exam, main exam and personality test (interview). Appointment is done only after being successful in all these.

  • प्राम्भिक परीक्षा
  • मुख्या परीक्षा
  • साक्षत्कार परीक्षा

UPSC Prelims Syllabus

UPSC IAS Prelims exam is conducted on an optional basis. It is very important to clear the first stage of the exam, after which you will get a chance to appear for the Mains exam. In this, 1/3 negative marks are given for each wrong answer. This exam is its first stage, it is mandatory for you to pass it, the syllabus details of preliminary exam are as follows.

Preliminary Examination General Studies Paper 1 (GS)

The first paper of the preliminary examination is of General Studies (GS). In this question paper, questions from the following topics like ecology and current affairs etc. are asked.

  • current affairs of national and international importance
  • Indian Polity and Governance-Constitution, Political System, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy, Rights Issues, etc.
  • History of India and Indian National Movement, General Science.
  • Economic and Social Development-Sustainable development, poverty, inclusion, demography, social sector initiatives etc.
  • General issues on environmental ecology, biodiversity and climate change.
  • Indian and World Geography-Physical, Social, Economic Geography of India and the World.

Preliminary Examination General Studies Paper 2 (CSAT)

In the second question paper of prelims exam, questions related to reasoning and analytical, decision making and reading comprehension etc. are asked. This exam is conducted in the second part of the day.

  • Interpersonal skills including communication skills.
  • Logical reasoning and analytical ability
  • Comprehension
  • general mental ability
  • Decision making and problem-solving
  • Mathematical Numbers (Orders of Magnitude, Numbers and their Relations, etc.) – Class 10th Level
  • Data Interpretation (Graphs, Charts, Data Sufficiency, Tables etc.) – Class 10th Level

CSAT paper is only qualifying in nature, only 33% marks are required to qualify in it. Students who are engineering students or who have good maths with it can easily pass this paper. Students coming from normal education background need some hard work.

UPSC IAS Mains Exam Syllabus

All the students who pass the UPSC IAS Prelims exam have to appear in the mains exam. In this you will have to give written answers, there are 9 papers in total in this exam. But only the marks of the last 7 papers are added to the final result, while you only have to qualify in English and one other language. In both of these you have to get only 25 percent marks to pass. The time limit for each paper is 3 hours.

Qualifying papersSubjectNumber
Paper – AOne of the Indian language to be chosen by the candidate300
Paper – BEnglish300
Papers to be counted for merit
Paper – 1Essay250
Paper – 2General Studies- I (Indian Heritage and Culture, History and Geography of the World and Society)250
Paper – 3General Studies-II (Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice and International Relations)250
Paper – 4Genera Studies-III (Technology, Economic Development, Bio-diversity, Environment, Security and Disaster Management)250
Paper – 5General Studies-IV (Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude)250
Paper – 6Optional Subject – Paper 1250
Paper – 7Optional Subject – Paper 2250
Sub Total (Written Test)1750
Personality test275
Grand Total2025

In this paper, students of some special states have been exempted. Such as these include Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Mizoram, Meghalaya and Sikkim. But the optional second language is not taught in the board and university.


A total of 275 marks are fixed for the interview. Candidates who qualify the main exam are called for personality interview on the basis of ranking and merit list. Which is conducted to assess their suitability for civil services. The interview panel evaluates the personality traits, communication skills, general knowledge and overall suitability of the candidates for the administrative role. Based on the answers to the questions given by the candidate, marks are given to all.

For this, coaching institutes organize mock interviews again and again, so that the children can answer the questions asked in the interview without any hesitation.

It is important to note that UPSC syllabus is very vast, it takes a lot of time to read and understand it. All the candidates are expected to have a deep understanding of the subjects. There may be minor changes or updates in the syllabus every year, so it is advised to stay updated with the notifications released by UPSC. For more details check the notification on the official website of UPSC.

How To Prepare for UPSC

It takes a lot of time and money to prepare for UPSC. Because there are many subjects in it, for which many books have to be bought. Although many institutes are also available where its coaching is also given. Their fee is in lakhs. Along with this, before preparing for UPSC, it is very important to have correct information about its syllabus.

  • Before starting UPSC preparation, go through the new UPSC IAS syllabus and exam pattern and choose the best books accordingly.
  • It is very important to prepare for UPSC IAS in a timely manner. It is important to have good knowledge about whatever subject you have researched, prepare according to your time management.
  • There is a need to improve your understanding and accuracy in answering a question.
  • Before preparing for the exam, prepare yourself physically and mentally. Keep yourself hydrated on time and exercise regularly.
  • Join UPSC Mock Test.

List of posts in UPSC

Appointment to government posts is done through the Civil Services Examination. Civil servants are recruited in Government Departments. There are three types or categories of jobs.

अखिल भारतीय सिविल सेवा

  • भारतीय प्रशासनिक सेवा (IAS)
  • भारतीय विदेश सेवा (IFS)
  • भारतीय पुलिस सेवा (IPS)

ग्रुप ए सर्विसेज या सेंट्रल सर्विसेज

  • भारतीय पीएंडटी लेखा और वित्त सेवा
  • भारतीय लेखा परीक्षा और लेखा सेवा
  • भारतीय राजस्व सेवा (सीमा शुल्क और अप्रत्यक्ष कर)
  • भारतीय रक्षा लेखा सेवा (आईडीएएस)
  • भारतीय राजस्व सेवा (आईटी) या आईआरएस
  • भारतीय आयुध निर्माणी सेवा (सहायक कार्य प्रबंधक, प्रशासन)
  • भारतीय डाक सेवा (Indian Post Office)
  • भारतीय सिविल लेखा सेवा
  • भारतीय रेल यातायात सेवा
  • भारतीय रेलवे लेखा सेवा (Indian Railway Accounts Service)
  • भारतीय रेलवे कार्मिक सेवा (आईआरपीएस)
  • भारतीय रेलवे सुरक्षा बल सेवा (आरपीएफ)
  • भारतीय रक्षा संपदा सेवा
  • भारतीय सूचना सेवा (जूनियर ग्रेड)
  • भारतीय व्यापार सेवा, समूह ‘ए’ (ग्रेड III)
  • भारतीय कॉर्पोरेट कानून सेवा

ग्रुप बी सेवाएं या राज्य सेवाएं

  • सशस्त्र सेना मुख्यालय सिविल सेवा (अनुभाग अधिकारी ग्रेड)
  • दिल्ली, अंडमान और निकोबार द्वीप समूह, लक्षद्वीप, दमन और दीव और दादरा और नगर हवेली सिविल सेवा (दानिक्स)
  • दिल्ली, अंडमान और निकोबार द्वीप समूह, लक्षद्वीप, दमन और दीव और दादरा और नगर हवेली पुलिस सेवा (DANIPS)
  • पांडिचेरी सिविल सर्विस (PONDICS)

IAS / IPS is the most prestigious job, boys prepare for this exam, out of which only a few succeed. After getting selected in this, you get many benefits.

In today’s article, told about UPSC IAS Syllabus, along with it also provided information about how to prepare for it. this will help you a lot

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