UP Scholarship Status, Online Apply, Renewal, Check List

UP Scholarship Status, Apply Online – Scholarship is provided to the students by the Uttar Pradesh government to help them. By which financial assistance can be provided to them in studies. For your information, let us tell you that thousands of students from class 9 to higher education are taking advantage of this scheme. The scheme of scholarship in India has been going on for many years and is provided to the students of weaker sections of all the states.

In today’s article, we will give you all the information related to UP Scholarship like how to apply, eligibility, last date, which document will be required. With this, how can you check your scholarship status online. So read this post till the end.

Every year this scholarship is given to all the children of the state who study in schools and universities. If you also want to apply for UP Scholarship, then you can apply by visiting its official website.

UP Scholarship Scheme

Scholarship has been started by the Government of Uttar Pradesh for SC, ST and OBC students of the state. So that there is no problem in the education of any poor child and he can easily continue his further education.

UP Scholarship Student Registration
UP Scholarship Student Registration

UP Scholarship is provided in three parts Prematric, Post Matric and Post Matric Intermediate. Pre-Matric includes those students who study in class 9th and class 10th. And many students come under the post matric scholarship, who study in class 11th and class 12th. Apart from this, post matric scholarship is given to the students studying in the university.

UP Scholarship Eligibility

Many types of scholarship ships are being run in UP, for which you need different documents. Tabulated below are the details of the UP scholarship eligibility criteria for different schemes:

For Prematric Scholarship (9 & 10th Class)

  • SC, ST and OBC category students apply for the UP Scholarship.
  • Student stuyding in 9th or in class 10th.
  • UP domacile must required
  • Need cast certificate
  • Income Certificate less then 1 lakh per year
  • The student should be a person from backward class.
  • General category students cannot take advantage of this scheme.

For Postmetric Scholarship (11 & 12th Class)

  • Cast Certificate Recuired
  • Studying in 11 to 12th class.
  • Domacile Recuired
  • Income certificate should be less then 2 lakh per year

For Post Matric Intermediate

  • Cast certificate
  • Study in greducation course
  • Cast certificate
  • UP Domacile certificate
  • Income Certificate

Recuired Documents for UP Scholarship

To apply for the Uttar Pradesh Scholarship Scheme, the applicant i.e. the student must have all the necessary documents. After which it will be very easy to apply in it. All the documents required for the UP Scholarship Scheme are mentioned below which are as follows

  • Aadhar Card
  • Income certificate
  • Caste certificate
  • Residence certificate of Uttar Pradesh
  • Age Certificate
  • Identity card
  • Mobile Number
  • Bank account number
  • School Fee Receipt
  • Transfer Certificate (if any)
  • Details of last year’s scholarship (if any)
  • E-mail ID

UP Scholarship Provider Details

State government of Uttar Pradesh offer the UP scholarship to deserving students aspiring to pursue higher education. Students will find a detailed list of all UP scholarships along with their provider names.

UP Scholarship SchemesScheme Providers
Pre-Matric UP Scholarship for SC/ ST/ General CategorySocial Welfare Department
Pre-Matric UP Scholarship for MinoritiesMinority Department
Pre-Matric UP Scholarship for OBCBackward Class Welfare Department
Post-Matric Intermediate UP Scholarship for SC/ ST/ General CategorySocial Welfare Department
Post-Matric Intermediate UP Scholarship for MinoritiesMinority Department
Post-Matric Intermediate UP Scholarship for OBCBackward Class Welfare Department
Post-Matric (Other than Intermediate) UP Scholarship for SC/ ST/ General CategorySocial Welfare Department
Post-Matric (Other than Intermediate) UP Scholarship for MinoritiesMinority Department
Post-Matric (Other than Intermediate) UP Scholarship for OBCBackward Class Welfare Department
Post-Matric (Other State) UP Scholarship for SC/ ST/ General CategorySocial Welfare Department

In this article, everything about UP Scholarship and how to apply for it has been explained in detail. Hope this will help you and you will be able to take advantage of the government scheme.

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