Rajasthan free scooty yojana has been started by the Education Department of Rajasthan for the girl students studying in the state. Under this scheme, the girl students of backward classes who have secured 50% or more marks in class 12th and have taken admission in colleges and universities by the state government. Scooties will be distributed to those girl students by the state government. Finally, we have the details about the devenarayan free scooty scheme eligibility, online form and the official website to apply.

Under the Devnarayan Chhatra Scooty Distribution and Incentive Scheme, initially only 1000 girl students will be selected, for which marks and other parameters obtained in the previous year will be used and scooties will be distributed to these selected girl students. Apart from this, all the girl students whose name did not appear in this scheme, all those girl students who have taken admission in graduation will be given an incentive of Rs. 10,000 per year and post-graduation girl students will get Rs. 20,000 per year.
Rajasthan Free Scooty Yojana
In the table given below, you can check the Rajasthan Free Scooty Application Form. You can find other details like Rajasthan Free Scooty Registration Form, Application Start Date for Rajasthan Free Scooty.
Name of the Scheme | Devnarayan Free Scooty Yojana Rajasthan |
Started By | Rajasthan Sarkaar |
Beneficial | Students |
Application Type | Online |
उद्देश्य | शिक्षा के लिए प्रोत्साहन |
लाभ | मुफ्त स्कूटी व प्रोत्साहन राशि |
श्रेणी | राजस्थान सरकारी योजनाएं |
आधिकारिक वेबसाइट | https://sso.rajasthan.gov.in/signin |
Rajasthan Free Scooty Yojana
The purpose of starting this scheme is to encourage the girls of the country to study. There are many such poor families in the state who want to educate their girls, but due to poor financial condition, they are unable to complete their studies, so many schemes are being run by the Rajasthan state government, with the help of which girls can get education. has been Under this scheme, free scooty will be given for bringing more than 50% of the number in 12th class.
By which the girl students will be greatly benefited and they can stand on their feet by reading and writing. With this, by getting a good job in future, he can also support his family. For your information, let us tell you that if there is a gap in class 12th and regular graduation in the first year to get free scooty, the girl student will not be eligible for Devnarayan Scooty Distribution Scheme 2022.
Free Scooty Scheme Eligibility
To take advantage of this scheme, you have to fulfill the following criteria which are as follows.
- The family annual income of the parents of the applying student should be less than Rs.2 lakh.
- Married, unmarried and widow girl students can also take advantage of this scheme.
- In case of any gap between education, financial assistance amount will not be provided.
- The student should be a permanent resident of Rajasthan.
- After the completion of school education, the girl student is studying regularly in the college or university.
Required Document for Devnarayan Free Scooty Yojana
To apply in the scheme, it is very important to have the following documents, whenever you apply, keep them with you.
- Applicant should have caste certificate.
- Photocopy of Aadhar Card.
- Affidavit in which the applicant is not taking benefit of any other type of scholarship.
- The applicant should have a permanent certificate.
- There should be a receipt for depositing fees for admission to the college or university.
After filling the online application form for Devnarayan Scooty Vitran Yojana, the girl student will not be eligible for any other financial assistance incentive amount. If she is not able to take advantage of this scheme, then she can take advantage of other financial assistance scheme.
Rajasthan Free Scooty Yojana Registration
It is very easy to apply for this scheme, the interested beneficiary who wants to apply under this scheme can register by following the steps given below.
- To apply, first you have to go to the official portal of Rajasthan SSO, to go to the official portal click on sso.rajasthan.gov.in

- After this a page like this will appear on your screen
- In this, you have to register by clicking on the Citizen section and clicking on Facebook, Google, Twitter, Aadhaar Card or Bhamashah
- If you have already registered then you can login through Facebook, Google, Twitter, Aadhaar Card or Bhamashah by going to Login, you have to click on Scholaship
- After this you will see Devnarayan girl student scooty distribution and incentive scheme in the section of Department Name, you can apply online by clicking on the scheme.

- After filling the information sought in the application form such as the date of admission in the university, etc., click on the submit button given below.
- These online applications will be scrutinized by the state government, after which the list of beneficiaries will be issued.
In this way you can apply for the scheme very easily. But still, if you have any problem then you can ask by commenting.
Benefits of Devnarayan Free Scooty Scheme
This scheme was specially started for the girl students studying in the college. Which has many benefits, you can see all of them below.
- All girls can take advantage of this scheme.
- Girls will have to bring at least 75% in their exams every year, after which Rs 10,000 will be given every year.
- Along with this, free scooty will also be provided to the girls.
- Through this scheme, the backward class girl students of Rajasthan state will be encouraged to move forward in the field of education.
In today’s article, we told you in detail about Rajasthan Free Scooty Yojana, how to apply for it, eligibility and what documents will be required, along with how to check your name in the list also told about it.